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42 Cromwell Road, Eastney (14/00174/FUL)

First instructed by Chris Flint Associates in 2013, I prepared a design and access statement first seeking permission to redevelop parts of the Cromwell Road and Eastney Street frontages, wrapping around an existing corner shop with flat over, with a block of flats and one end of terrace house.

The council, however, considered this to be an overdevelopment and refused application reference 13/01119/FUL, where surrounding streets were already suffering on-street parking stress.  Curiously, the council had allowed such a development in 2003 and 2004 under references A*10124/AA & A*36760/AB, although those permissions had lapsed.  A full three storeys for the flatted element was also considered excessive, even though a pair of semi-detached 3 storey properties adjoined to the south.

Adjustments were then made, on the case officer’s recommendation to delete the house (retaining storage related to the existing corner shop) and to accommodate the top flat within the roof profile, lit by dormer windows.

With these adjustments made, planning permission was then granted and the development has now been built out.

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